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© © Rmn - Grand Palais, 2020 / Didier Plowy

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Grand Palais Immersif moves to the Opéra Bastille

The Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais, in partnership with the Banque des Territoires, on behalf of the French state within the framework of France 2030, and VINCI Immobilier, create Grand Palais Immersif, a new subsidiary specialised in the production, operation and distribution of digital exhibitions for audiences in Paris, France and around the world.

The digital exhibitions developed by Grand Palais Immersif and its partners aim to provide an artistic experience, and explain a work, artist or movement, by offering a viewpoint and keys to understanding, arousing emotions whilst remaining scientifically based. This new exhibition format brings audiovisual, narrative, interactive and immersive content together in a space the public can freely explore.

Two major cultural institutions, the Opéra national de Paris and the Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais via its Grand Palais Immersif subsidiary, have signed an agreement to create a new location reserved for digital exhibitions in Paris starting in September 2022. 

In part of the “modular hall” of the Opéra Bastille, Grand Palais Immersif holds two immersive exhibitions a year, offering a rich experience for visitors. The space, which is being designed by Fréderic Druot, is accessible by an entrance on rue de Lyon, Paris 12e. The design of the exhibitions and the management of the premises are the responsibility of Grand Palais Immersif.

The first exhibition held in 2022 is Venise Révélée. The exhibition is a coproduction with the Musei di Civici in Venice and Iconem. Thanks to the digitalisation and 3-D modelling of Venice – done by Iconem in collaboration with the  Fondazione civici di Venezia – the visitor is plunged into the heart of the city of the Doges, designed like a sumptuous theatre set. The visitor discovers palaces, the Grand Canal, the challenges of its natural environment, and its unique construction. This immersion gives the visitor the chance to understand its history and its artistic heritage. Breath-taking images created by innovative technology, accompanied by a unique musical composition astounding visitors as they explore the city.


Opera Bastille


The Rmn – Grand Palais lends its expertise in designing and producing quality exhibitions for the Grand Palais Immersif. This new project follows on from the Sites Eternels exhibition in 2016, followed by Pompeii at the Grand Palais (over 200,000 visitors from 1 July to 31 October 2020), which combined original works and a digital environment.

The Banque des Territoires has been an operator in the culture sector since 2010 on behalf of the Investments for the Future Programme (PIA). It is also a major stakeholder in the inclusion and appeal of French regions, working with innovation stakeholders, on France’s core issues of recovery and transformation (sustainable, digital). It lends both its expertise in the field of cultural innovation and its regional engineering skills, with the conviction that culture is essential in forging connections, reducing social inequality, creating appeal for or revitalising regions, creating and recreating local jobs.

For VINCI Immobilier, this approach is a direct continuation of its commitment to culture, initiated specifically though its “1 immeuble 1 oeuvre” (“1 building, 1 work of art”) charter. An expert in property promotion and urban regeneration, VINCI Immobilier takes an original approach to culture in order to complement its offers, which will provide new exhibition venues for local authorities in partnership with Grand Palais Immersif. This partnership will also enable VINCI Immobilier to cement its role in the transformation of unclaimed property and the management of buildings awaiting development.


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