
Private Events Joconde

Would you like to invite your employees and customers to a unique event, in the world’s oldest chamber of commerce?

The World Trade Center Marseille Provence invites you to experience exclusive private gatherings at the Palais de la Bourse for The Mona Lisa, an immersive exhibition.

Palais_Bourse_2021_Est_Francois Moura-600
The Palais de la Bourse, headquarters of the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry © François Moura


Give your event an innovative edge with an exclusive artistic and digital exhibition, combined with the prestige of a historic monument in the heart of Marseille.

This bespoke turnkey offer comprises:

  • A private viewing of the exhibition
  • Catering (seated meal or cocktail reception) in the Hall of Honor and balcony
  • Entertainment on request (dancing, guest speaker, etc.)

Evenings dedicated to corporate events, for groups of 25 to 400 people, Monday to Thursday, from March to August 2022.


Give your guests an exclusive experience with  The Mona Lisa, an immersive exhibition. All exhibition spaces are accessible during your event. Visitors progress on a journey guided by two fundamental principles: emotion and understanding. Spectacular, dreamlike, yet meaningful and scientifically accurate digital projections invite contemplation, analysis and learning.

The Palais de la Bourse in Marseille, in Marseille, an architectural masterpiece designed by the architect Pascal Coste in 1849, and inaugurated on September 10, 1860 by Napoleon III and Empress Eugénie, houses the oldest chamber of commerce in the world.

Informations, estimates and reservations.


Decoding Korea
July 26–August 25, 2024
Decoding Korea : discover the casting !

Visit Korea with 11 artists !